NRIC Staff Visit Abilene Christian University


Representatives from the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) recently visited Abilene Christian University to tour the school’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory (NEXT Lab). NRIC is exploring collaborations with NEXT Lab to demonstrate and deploy advanced reactor systems and will return this summer for the ribbon cutting of a molten salt research reactor facility.
NEXT Lab’s mission is to provide global solutions to the world’s need for energy, water and medical isotopes by advancing t molten salt reactor technology, while educating future leaders in nuclear science and engineering. Its goal is to design and build the first on-site, university-based molten salt research reactor facility. The NEXT Research Alliance also includes a university consortium comprised of Georgia Institute of Technology, Texas A&M University and The University of Texas at Austin. This alliance is funded by Abilene-based Natura Resources LLC.

For more information on NEXT Lab, visit or email questions to [email protected].