NRIC Tech Talk: Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Application Preparation for NRC Reviews
Date: February 9, 2023, Noon-1:00 p.m. MST
Early and regular engagement between future applicants and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is important to consider when planning to prepare an application for eventual NRC review.
This webinar will include the perspectives of both recent and long-term applicants regarding the application development process and subsequent application review process. The goal of this tech talk is to provide useful insights to potential new applicants on preparing to navigate the NRC licensing process.
If you would like to learn more about the pre-application process, please refer back to the NRIC Tech Talk on the pre-application process.

Steven Lynch
Chief, Advanced Reactor Policy Branch at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Steven Lynch is the Chief of the NRC’s Advanced Reactor Policy Branch, which is responsible for developing regulatory frameworks, including guidance and rulemaking efforts, for advanced reactors. Previously, Mr. Lynch was a senior project manager in the Non-power Production and Utilization Facility Licensing Branch, which is primarily responsible for the licensing of non-power reactors and medical radioisotope facilities. For nearly a decade, Mr. Lynch coordinated the NRC’s licensing of facilities intending to produce molybdenum-99. Mr. Lynch’s responsibilities included leading the review of the SHINE Medical Technologies construction permit and operating license applications for a first-of-a-kind facility dedicated to medical isotope production.
Mr. Lynch holds a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering and Music from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Masters of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering from Penn State University.

Ray Schiele
Senior Manager Licensing TVA New Nuclear Program, Tennessee Valley Authority
Mr. Schiele is the Licensing Manager for the TVA Nuclear Technology Innovation Team. As the Licensing Manager, Mr. Schiele is currently part of the leadership team that is developing the regulatory and permitting strategy to support a business case for long term deployment of an advanced reactor.
Mr. Schiele has more than 45 years of nuclear engineering and licensing experience which includes service in the United States Navy, 16 years commercial nuclear power plant experience as a Control Room Supervisor/Shift Manager and for the past 20 years as a Senior Project Licensing Manager.

Allen Fetter
Senior Program Manager, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Allen Fetter is a senior project manager (PM) at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), who has worked for the agency for almost 18 years. He has spent the last 12 years performing both safety and environmental reviews for new reactor licensing. His earlier experience at NRC was as a technical reviewer for the Yucca Mountain Project, as well as a PM on numerous complex materials sites and uranium recovery licensing actions.
Earlier in his career, Allen worked for a number of years as a geologist, hydrologist and project manager in the private sector (BPA Environmental & Engineering, Inc.), and did a multi-year stint as a post-doctoral researcher at UNESP – Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. He received his MS and PhD in Geology (focus on geochronology and isotope geochemistry) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Kansas, Lawrence, respectively.

Jeffrey Bartelme
Director of Licensing, SHINE Technologies, LLC.
Jeff is the director of licensing at SHINE Technologies, LLC. He is responsible for the licensing efforts related to SHINE’s first-of-its-kind medical isotope production facility, as well as the radioactive materials licensing efforts with the State of Wisconsin. While at SHINE, he has supported the development and NRC review of SHINE’s Construction Permit Application, led the development of SHINE’s Operating License Application, and coordinated the support of the NRC review of the Operating License Application. Prior to joining SHINE, he worked as a Licensing Engineer at Point Beach Nuclear Plant. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Past Events & Webinars
Tech Talk: STAND Tool - January 26, 2022
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Tech Talk: Enveloping Advanced Reactors to Streamline Environmental Analysis - August 12th, 2021
The NRIC Plant Parameter Envelope uses a bounding approach to efficiently analyze environmental impacts of reactor siting, construction, and operation. PNNL’s team developed parameters for the reactor plant and site, encompassing a wide array of potential designs and footprints. Learn more by watching this webinar recording.
Tech Talk: Construction Activities with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission webinar - July 6, 2021
This webinar built on NRIC’s previous Tech Talks with NRC experts. In this session, presenters explained differences between a Limited Work Authorization (LWA) versus “pre-construction” activities, and the process for obtaining an LWA as part of a Combined License Application or Early Site Permit.
Tech Talk: Pre-application Process with the NRC webinar -May 26, 2021
This webinar focused on topical reports, meetings, audits, and white papers for the pre-application process with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Adrian Muñiz, licensing project manager in the Division of Advanced Reactor and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) presented.
Tech Talk: Environmental Reviews with the NRC webinar - April 20, 2021
This webinar will allow you to engage with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and learn more about the National Environmental Policy Act process.
What Inspires Us: an Interactive Webinar on Nuclear Narratives - March 23, 2021
Inspiring others to understand the benefits of nuclear energy involves more than just laying out the facts. Thoughtful and personal storytelling bridges gaps between inspired individuals early in their careers and those who are unfamiliar with the field. Telling our personal stories and motivations for working in nuclear creates common ground. Human stories are our strongest tools when speaking to the public.
Tech Talk: Digital Engineering - February 16, 2021
Learn how this valuable tool can effectively and efficiently accelerate highly complex projects like advanced nuclear energy technologies.
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What Inspires Us: Advanced Reactor Demonstrations - Jan. 7, 2021
This 90-minute webinar, “What Inspires Us: Advanced Reactor Demonstrations,” is moderated by Ashley Finan, director of the National Reactor Innovation Center. It features Chris Levesque, president and chief executive officer of TerraPower, and Clay Sell, chief executive officer of X-energy. During this webinar they talk about their advanced reactor designs, which were awarded federal assistance under the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program. Opening remarks are offered by Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson.
What Inspires Us - Sept 29, 2020
“What Inspires Us” features Dr. Ashley Finan, director of NRIC, Mark Peters, director of Idaho National Laboratory and Suzanne Baker, creative director at the University of Michigan’s Fastest Path to Zero Initiative and founder of Good Energy Collective.
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